Courage is the first step towards
Courage is the first step towards
Joanna Corsie BSc (Hons) MNCPS
Freedom is that time in space when you are allowed to be truly yourself – a time to do what you want, when you want it and not be shackled by others agenda’s. This singular word is extremely precious and valuable to me because there have been times when I felt I had no freedom. It was through my own personal therapy and four year journey, training as a Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapist at the Sherwood Psychotherapy Training Institute, that I never looked back.
My philosophy adheres to the humanistic principles, to work holistically with the mind, body and spirit, in a safe, nurturing relational way. A key concept for me is autonomy. Being respectful of you as a unique individual, is of significance as it allows you to feel free of judgement and therefore, free for expression. I believe that everyone has the innate ability for psychological growth in the right circumstances to become the real person you want to be. I offer a safe, private and confidential therapy in the beautiful setting of The Sir John Moore Foundation. As an Integrative therapist, I am able to utilise and integrate different humanistic and integrative theories in order to tailor make the therapy to suit you and your needs at any given time. For some, talking through your difficulties is enough but for others creative work may help to uncover some feelings that may be holding you back.
My experience working at a Domestic Violence agency and a Christian Counselling service, offering one to one therapy with a variety of issues, has given me a diverse background of issues to facilitating others in therapy. Together with many years working as a weight loss consultant I have valuable experience thats enables me to help facilitate others with eating difficulties and can help to establish the root cause of the problem. I also work at a private treatment centre for drug and alcohol addiction, working with client groups and one to one sessions and am familiar with the 12 step program.
I have a special interest in two areas - anger, emotional eating and other addictive processes.

How I Can
Help You
50 min
65 British pounds1 hr 15 min
85 British pounds